Filling the void
27/01/18 17:39
Well been just a bit since I have made a entry here so I thought I better get back to it.
As 2017 began we moved to a new house and had to build new kennels so it was a very busy 2017.
Most of last year was spent in the show ring pursuing Sisko's Bronze Grand Championship which as of today we stand 4 points away from that goal.
2017 will be remembered by us here at Nail Hill because we lost a dear friend and a true champion of the Australian Cattle Dog in Jim Buzzard of Buzzards Australian Cattle Dogs, a name you will see all over our pedigrees.
The void left by Jim not only in our lives but the lives of all the owners , breeders and those who knew him won't be easily filed, but knowing Jim Buzzard as I do he would tell us all to get back busy, so we press on.
This year has been terribly cold so far but on a bright note all the dogs have great bushy coats !
A new national Australian Cattle Dog club is starting and we have great hopes for its success and anticipate the club making a difference for owners of ACD's everywhere as it puts a strong light on breed education and training of the breed we hold so dear.
It will be called The Australian Cattle Dog Club United (ACDCU)
Plans to put a couple of different titles on some dogs this year with a Farm Dog title and a Rally title in the works, when it warms up enough to start practicing.
Until next time ……
As 2017 began we moved to a new house and had to build new kennels so it was a very busy 2017.
Most of last year was spent in the show ring pursuing Sisko's Bronze Grand Championship which as of today we stand 4 points away from that goal.
2017 will be remembered by us here at Nail Hill because we lost a dear friend and a true champion of the Australian Cattle Dog in Jim Buzzard of Buzzards Australian Cattle Dogs, a name you will see all over our pedigrees.
The void left by Jim not only in our lives but the lives of all the owners , breeders and those who knew him won't be easily filed, but knowing Jim Buzzard as I do he would tell us all to get back busy, so we press on.
This year has been terribly cold so far but on a bright note all the dogs have great bushy coats !
A new national Australian Cattle Dog club is starting and we have great hopes for its success and anticipate the club making a difference for owners of ACD's everywhere as it puts a strong light on breed education and training of the breed we hold so dear.
It will be called The Australian Cattle Dog Club United (ACDCU)
Plans to put a couple of different titles on some dogs this year with a Farm Dog title and a Rally title in the works, when it warms up enough to start practicing.
Until next time ……